
Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E. 4 review: The resurrection continues with this surprisingly normal keyboard - williamshismay

Maybe you heard, Mad Catz is back from the dead. Then far it's been a rousing return! We looked at the return of the famed R.A.T. earlier this year and came away affected. Sure, it's not to everyone's taste, only you won't find a mouse that modular anyplace else. It's a unique design, befitting a comeback.

Only the S.T.R.I.K.E.? I admit, I don't have the same nostalgia for Mad Catz's keyboard efforts. Nevertheless, we went hands-on with the Attain 4 (because at that place's no way in netherworld I'm typewriting that atomic number 3 a FALSE-acronym every time) to see whether Mad Catz could get along a multi-market terror, or whether it should bind mice to keep off a second bankruptcy.

Note: This review is office of our high-grade gaming keyboards roundup. Go there for details about competing products you bet we tested them.

Strike two

The market may have largely touched on from the "gamer" aesthetic that dominated peripherals for years, but Mad Catz has not. The Impress 4 is brand new, but in more respects looks like a relic from 2011 close to. The large Mad Catz logotype along the bottom edge is fine, just the adjacent cyberpunk-looking circuit-board nonsense is completely unnecessary. The shape is edgy and ravening as well, and patc I'm sure some people enjoy that style, I, for one, put on't.

Mad Catz Strike 4 IDG / Hayden Dingman

Not in general, anyway. I admit, I actually liked Mad Catz's innovation efforts with the Rat, stating in my review, "The Rat goes to such an extreme, I detect myself drawn to it. It's ugly and unrefined, simply in a way that feels purposeful and raw and intriguing."

The Impinge on 4 "matches" the Rat, but it doesn't achieve the same signified of purpose, doesn't deman the user to question why a keyboard's constructed the way it is, or whether we could peradventure create a better keyboard by divorcing mold and function. Non in the slightest. It's fair-minded a normal-looking keyboard with much awkward angles.

But you know what? Mad Catz once put away the Assume 7, a keyboard that looks like Megatron baffled a fight with a garbage garbage disposal. So count your blessings we got the Strike 4, I theorise. It could be worse.

In fact, all things considered, the Strike 4 is a jelled movement from Mad Catz. The uneven edge on the straw man, those garish lines, and even the squat typeface happening the keys—again, all harkening posterior to gaming keyboards circa 2011—are, in the end, aesthetic criticisms, and totally subjective.

Mad Catz Strike 4 IDG / Hayden Dingman

Place setting those things aside, my only true complaint is the lack of media keys. Worse, volume controls are double-mapped to F2 through F4. Omitting dedicated media keys is already a serious misstep given how prevalent they've go, merely to then figure a play keyboard where adjusting volume—easily the most epoch-making function—requires both hands? That's a major annoyance.

The exposed metal backplate is thoroughly modern though, and gives the Strike 4 a pretty sleek visibility. Mad Catz is besides to be commended for going with real Cherry MX switches. That's surprising, presumption Delirious Catz's reputation for less-than-stellar quality. Deserved operating theatre not, I fictive Mad Catz would be a prime candidate for Kailhs, Gaterons, Oregon some else Cherry MX knockoff.

Mad Catz Strike 4 IDG / Hayden Dingman

The presence of the Cherry MX Reds probably explains wherefore the Strike 4 lists for $130. Information technology's a so-called act up, as information technology puts Mad Catz into a weird no-man's-land at that price point—too expensive to be launching-level, only not premium enough to compete in the $150-asset tier.

Still, As a Cherry MX devotee it was a pleasurable surprise to see Angry Catz stick with a reliable classic. I've grown to love some of the Cherry-red knockoffs over the years, but IT's still weirdly reassuring whenever the real deal shows up.

Red's RGB light is also top-tier, though, per usual, the "stem" design relegates the backlight to the top of the keys. Hence the big-mapped Subroutine keys are only half-illuminated—and exclusive the F1 through F12 bits, at that. The important parts (like the volume controls) are evil, which can be frustrating at night.

And since this is the premier Mad Catz keyboard we've reviewed since the brand's resurrection, it's Worth taking a quick consider the software system end. One annoyance, up front: All of Sore Catz's software is segmented. Every version of the Rat has a different software package put in, as does every model of the Strike. It keeps the size of it down perhaps, but feels very outdated.

Mad Catz Strike 4 - Software IDG / Hayden Dingman

Nevertheless, it works. The Strike software is very standard, but has the regular selection of rainbow-colored presets. Some of the name calling are suspect, like "Light Away Click" and "Swift Firing Jump," but you force out usually parse the absorbed. There are about oddities though. Package colours don't e'er match finished with the real-world colours, with bold primary colours generally showing up A Easter pastels for Maine. The process for setting awake per-Florida key custom kindling is likewise a bit weird, hidden under the inconspicuous "Game Setting" preset.

OH, and the macro interface is inscrutable at the start glance. I've never seen the word "Uptop" used to bear on to poignant an action mechanism to the top of a queue before, and clicking on "Clear" results in a dialogue box that says, "Rattling postulate to clear the large action?" A little localization work could go a long way here.

It's perfectly functional though. Not the prettiest software, nor the most self-generated, but presumably you won't spend so much clock in it after the initial setup.

Bottom parentage

The Strike 4 is a perfectly fine keyboard but nothing about IT really stands retired. I find that disappointing. The Shop mouse is so weird and unique, and I wish Mad Catz could interject that same quality into its keyboard offerings.

There's a lot of competition nowadays, plenty of it cheaper than the Strike 4's $130 list price. Crazy Catz's strength is that it can escape with disagreeable all sorts of weird ideas, and it should use that to its advantage. I'm non asking for an experiment so bold information technology's unusable, a la the aforementioned Strike 7—but something to point to and suppose, "Only Mad Catz would try this," lest it become another also-ran peripherals troupe.


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