
Samsung only has itself to blame for spoiling its product launch events

There hasn't been much to look forrad to during Samsung's Unpacked product launch events over the by few years. Rumors and reports aside, actual printing renders of unreleased devices start showing up in glorious high resolution weeks before the launch. Consequently, the chemical element of surprise is taken away and you kind of experience like meh when watching the event.

We're big fans of Samsung here at SamMobile. No surprises there. We provide extensive coverage for its devices, firmware updates, new features and often share sectional data for upcoming products with our readers. Those who have been with us for long volition accept noticed that nosotros no longer leak renders of Samsung'southward new mobile devices ourselves.

That's not because we don't know how to get them or know why they're mostly leaked through Twitter. We fabricated a conscious conclusion to no longer leak printing renders considering it feels like scoring a cheap win. It'southward simply a matter of being quicker than everybody else which is why you see these renders first cropping up on Twitter and not on sites similar ours. Information technology but takes a few seconds to tweet out images, after all.

The age of "blurrycam" leaks is over. Those were the real leaks, originating from R&D labs and production lines. They created a sense of excitement almost the device and you could never exist absolutely certain about what you saw, as opposed to official press renders that lay everything blank. Hither's the device, take a good wait at it, on to the next one. Equally I said, it'south a cheap win.

How we feel nigh leaking press renders

We are of the view that these press render leaks weeks and frequently even months before the actual launch but impale the excitement. At that place are many fans who would prefer that the element of surprise not be taken away before the issue. That's something we're also mindful of when deciding what to and what not to leak, so we focus more on finding out information virtually new products and detail that in an exclusive commodity. Information technology helps keep fans interested without ruining the surprise.

Even when we do determine to leak actual images of a new device, we stick to low-resolution pictures. That's another conscious decision, something you may have noticed with our recent leaks of live Milky way Tab S6 and Galaxy Watch Active ii pictures, posted weeks before the usual barrage of press renders surfaced. Nosotros decided not to leak any bodily images of the Galaxy Note x since non only would that have been riskier for all of the people involved but also considering nosotros know many of our readers wouldn't like that as well.

As Samsung fans, it is disappointing for us to run across the company lose the element of surprise for products that it works so hard on. Even before information technology has had a chance to talk about the product, renders are circulated and people course their opinions based on them without ever having seen the device in person or having first heard what Samsung has to say virtually it. Who is to blame here, though? Does it lie with Samsung or with those that deploy sure tricks to get these renders?

Samsung could put a stop to this if information technology wanted

Every bit I mentioned in the very beginning, Samsung only has itself to blame. Information technology sends these renders and other associated marketing material to partners across the earth weeks before the official launch. In one case they're out, they're out. The company can't practise anything to command when they leak and it normally happens within days, if not hours. However, the company has shown the states that it can proceed a lid on things when it actually matters.

Always wonder why no Milky way Fold renders were leaked before it was unveiled before this year? Samsung didn't practice what information technology normally does with renders for the Galaxy Fold. There was an unprecedented level of secrecy with that device as Samsung wanted to be the i to set the narrative. Nosotros'd adopt that the company gave the same treatment to its other devices every bit well, at least the flagships.

1 can sympathise that there is a business compulsion for Samsung to provide its partners across the world with marketing materials. They're the ones supposed to assist information technology sell its devices after all. Does it have to do that such a long time before the issue, even though it knows that they volition immediately leak online? We're aware that Samsung isn't besides happy about how these renders detect their way online, just so over again, it's the 1 that's making it so easy for leakers to get them in the starting time place. Samsung could put a terminate to it if information technology wanted and yet information technology doesn't change a thing.

Proceed these production renders secret, we say, and if the compulsion to share them with partners tin't exist managed, then perchance but send them the day of the Unpacked consequence. Samsung could learn a affair or two from car manufacturers. You see spy shots of new cars all the fourth dimension even so you lot never get to run into the renders before the cars are really unveiled (okay, so cars aren't sold across equally many third-party retailers equally smartphones, simply you lot become the gist).

We'd honey to know how you feel almost these leaked renders, and if y'all feel that leakers do fans a disservice in their race to just be the first to leak them. Permit's get a conversation started in the comments section.


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