
How To Install Easton Knee Savers


About Genu Savers

Being a catcher can exist the most exciting function of Baseball. You're similar the Quarterback of the field, calling the shots, including the pitches for your bullpen. You get to choice people off, throw out runners trying to steal, and even tag runners out at home. You lot habiliment your gear like a warrior ready to take their position on the battle field.

Simply for all of the cool stuff that goes along with being the catcher, there'southward also some downsides. Your body has to get used to wearing extra gear, as it weighs a few pounds. It also puts pressure on body parts that aren't used to that gear. And, most of import, it puts added stress on your knees. As someone who caught for many years, I was excited to meet these "genu saver" products floating around.

Now that I'm coaching, I don't like catchers being out there without them. When I became a teenager, my left knee suddenly had many issues. I sprained it badly on several occasions, and then, at the age of xvi, my genu buckled and my patella forced itself to the side of my leg. While it wasn't the most painful injury I had as an athlete, it was the nearly painful to see.

This is where human knee-savers come in. These products will help to go on your tendons from over-stretching and go along you on your toes a bit more, without putting so much stress on the joints.

The problem with the knee savers are that well-nigh of them exercise not come with clear instructions on how to put them on. So, let'due south get to information technology.

Instructions for Easton Knee Savers

  1. Completely remove the ii lower straps of your shin guards.
  2. Place the genu savers on the back of the shin guards with the gray side towards where the calf would be. The knee saver logo should exist facing abroad from the calf.
  3. With the articulatio genus saver in place re-attach the straps. Loop them through the knee saver loop first, then through the metal loops on the shin guards. The straps should go under all 3, then over the last loop, under the next loop so that it'southward tight.
  4. Make sure that the straps are tight and that you tin can clip them onto the other side of the shin guards.
  5. At present accept the catcher (or yourself if that is you) try them on. If they're too tight, endeavor loosening up the straps a bit. If they're as well loose, tighten them upwards.

Tip:  Be sure to pay attention to the catcher to ensure that he/she is not uncomfortable due to the knee savers being too tight, loose or also large for their legs.

Have your catcher do some drills to get used to hopping up, blocking bad pitches, catching throws to home, etc. This volition help them get used to wearing the knee savers, which could cause issues at the beginning.

I promise that this article helps, merely let me know if you accept whatsoever questions or suggestions (or tips) below!


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