
How Much To Have Air Conditioning Installed Uk

Cost to Fit Air conditioning in a Uk Dwelling house

The Britain isn't exactly the hottest state in the world but with more extreme weather being experienced around the globe, information technology's probable that there will be more frequent heatwaves.

Also, if you have a solarium yous'll be all too enlightened of how uncomfortably hot it tin make it the summer.

If you're thinking near installing air conditioning in your domicile and want to know how much it costs, you've come up to the right place.

In 2022 nosotros researched the cost to install a home air conditioning unit and beneath yous tin can see the prices.

On this page you'll notice:

  1. A poll – we want to know how much you lot think air con volition toll (information technology's part of our inquiry).
  2. The iii types of air con you tin choose from and their key differences
  3. Optional-extras you'll want to consider.
  4. The most popular places to install air-con units.
  5. A detailed wait at air con prices.
  6. A feedback course so you can let other visitors to our site know how much yous've been quoted.
  7. How long it takes to install and any likely disruption.
  8. Maintenance frequency and costs.
  9. Running costs.
  10. Places where you lot can get a customised quote.

All in all, nosotros think this page is the most complete guide to home air-con prices and ongoing costs, just we'll let you exist the guess of that.

Poll – How Much Do YOU Think Air Con Volition Toll?

We are conducting research into how much consumers think air con will cost.

The question beneath is entirely optional, but answer the question and you can see how others voted:

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What Are The Three Types of Home Air Con I Can Choose From?

Yous accept three options to choose from when deciding which air conditioning unit of measurement to install; freestanding units, wall-mounted systems and ducted systems.

Freestanding Units

Freestanding air-conditioning units are very popular and are often seen in conservatories.

Hither are the pros and cons:

  • The cheapest of the three options.
  • Ideal for small rooms.
  • Portable so you tin motion information technology into another room.
  • Takes up valuable floor space.
  • Nowhere near as effective as larger built-in systems.

Wall-Mounted Systems (aka a separate system)

Wall-mounted systems are by far the most pop pick. A panel is fitted well-nigh the ceiling in a room, usually well above head height and a hose connects the unit to a fan exterior.

Here are the pros and cons:

  • Very efficient (if you choose the correct unit of measurement for the size of your room).
  • Doesn't accept up any flooring space.
  • A large fan unit must be fitted exterior the habitation.
  • Not as discreet as a ducted organization.

Ducted System

Ducted systems are the most expensive option and are also the near discreet.

This arrangement has a fan bolted to the exterior of the domicile, only instead of a wall-mounted unit, the outlet is ducted to the ceiling.

The photo below helps to explain how unimposing this organisation is:

Ducted air con ceiling unit

Here are the pros and cons of this system:

  • The well-nigh discreet system.
  • Lots of options, choose just i room or several split into controllable zones.
  • The quietest of the systems.
  • Ideal for larger homes.
  • Not every house has space above the ceiling for this system (some flats/apartments).

Not every air-con system will have all of these options; the cheapest products rarely do, so choose your product advisedly:

  • Remote command.
  • A timer so yous tin pre-programme the system.
  • App access and so you lot tin can cool down the home whilst on the way back from work etc.
  • Silent modes (aka night way) where the system runs quietly and more efficiently.

Most Pop Locations in the Dwelling house

Here are the most pop places consumers choose to install air con units:

Conservatories can go very hot in the summer, sometimes fifty-fifty unbearably hot. Blinds and fans tin assistance but aren't nearly equally constructive as an air con unit.

Bedrooms are a very popular identify to fit a unit. If you struggle to sleep during the night when information technology's hot, then choose either a wall-mounted or ducted system and double-bank check the decibel level of the device before you buy.

Home offices are places where homeworkers spend upwards to x hours a twenty-four hours. There'due south also computers and other equipment that could warm up the room. Many home workers choose either a portable system or a wall-mounted unit.

Cost Guide For Air Con

The prices below are for a fully installed air conditioning organization, autonomously from the portable organization which doesn't require installation.

Split arrangement with a wall mounted unit:

Room: Wall mounted carve up system (budget range) Wall mounted split system (premium range)
Small Dwelling house Part £950 £1500
Double Chamber £1100 £1750
Conservatory £1300 £2100
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Ducted system:

Room: Ducted organization (budget range) Dusted system (premium range)
Modest Home Part £2000 £2800
Double Bedroom £2250 £3250
Conservatory N/A Northward/A
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Let U.s. Know Your Air Con Prices

This is your take chances to let other visitors to our site know how much y'all've been quoted for an air con system.

Whether you're still making your decision or y'all've recently had one fitted, you can fill up out the course beneath this table:

Name: Desc: Toll:
Keely T (Portsmouth) One downstairs and another in the master chamber. (2020) £2300
Daniel W (Hants) Fan in bedroom and unit of measurement outside (2020) £1800 inc vat
Jerry (Cambridge) Four room multi divide arrangement (Daikin) running through a 5 split level habitation, all indoor units needing pumps and a lot of piece of work for the large installation team. New electric supply running through the firm back to the consumer unit, over 2 floors. A massive, complex task, including ceiling removal for piping piece of work, and complex routing and hiding of pipage work. Twelve much needed man days of labour and a day for an electrician too, plus follow up making good from builders separately. Given what has been involved, this is not a project for the faint hearted and needs proper professional intendance and expertise. (2019) £8500
Manoj (Edgware London) nosotros are looking to install Multi-dissever 27000 BTU Smart Inverter Air Conditioner system with three 9000 BTU indoor units to a unmarried outdoor unit of measurement. Building piece of work is taking place so information technology will be easy to install. (2018) £2000
Leena (London) 2 medium sized bedrooms in the loft for mitsubishi appliances.. This price is with disbelieve. (2018) £3150 inc VAT
Bex (Dorset) One iii.5kw mitsubishi heavy industries premium range wall mountain for bedroom plus install and materials by independent professional fitter (2018) £2316
jon (Lanc) for a wall mounted console in our modest new solarium, the best price so far is £725 simply the detail price alone is effectually £450 then I shouldn't accept to pay someone £275 merely for a couple hours work to fit information technology. retrieve i might try and plumb it in my self (2017) £725
Michael Arkwright (London) Nosotros need two rooms fitted with air con from a unmarried outside box but locating a suitable place to fit the external unit is problematic for us. We've had air con before in a previous home and it was very noisy so I advise your readers to spend a little extra and get a quieter system, especially if information technology volition be installed in the bedchamber! (2017) £2400 (2 rooms)
Carly (N Esast Our conservatory gets so hot in the summertime, last year our candles melted into a blob, other items have warped. We were quoted £1200 for a fully fitted system with a five yr guarantee, this for a large conservatory. (2017) £1200
Derick (Kent) Yous demand to calculate the BTU of each room before suggesting prices as each room is different, this isn't based on just size only location and how many windows the room has. Head over to [redacted] and use our handy calculator. Derick from [redacted] (2017) N/A

Want to add prices you've received? It'south easy, just fill out this class, no email required.

How Long Does it Take to Install?

ClockThe easiest system is the freestanding unit, this requires no installation and works "out of the box", this is ideal for anyone that needs air con quickly.

The wall-mounted system usually takes about four-5 hours to fully install, that includes cutting through the wall, fixing the wall unit and the outside fan.

The ducted system takes the longest corporeality of time to install and for a four-chamber house, wait the piece of work to take around a day if not more, depending on how difficult it is to admission the infinite above the ceiling.

What About Maintenance Frequency and Costs?

The fans in the exterior unit tin can become clogged with dirt and leaves, this reduces the efficiency of the system and should exist cleaned every year. A visual inspection volition usually reveal whatever issues.

The refrigerant (coolant) in the sealed arrangement also needs to be topped up every now and over again. If the system runs out of coolant, not only will information technology not work only rubber hoses may crack and go brittle. The coolant acts equally a lubricant besides equally a refrigerant.

Because the climate in the Great britain is fairly cool and a residential system is rarely in continuous use, you shouldn't need to top up air-con more than than in one case every ii years. If you do, so it may be a sign that you take a leak somewhere and that should be investigated first rather than continuously topping up with coolant.

Air con units that are in constant use (offices) or are located in areas of high pollution/contaminants (kitchens) should exist serviced more often, usually twice per year.

We institute several installers online who have published their maintenance prices and the going charge per unit appears to effectually £50 per unit for a standard service and upwardly to £100 per unit of measurement for a major service.

Calculators – Work Out How Much Power You Need

Thanks to Derick for this tip: To ensure your air con organization can effectively cool the room, yous first need to have into account the size of the room, the number of occupants, location and size of whatsoever windows and any heat-emitting items.

Attempt this handy unbiased estimator, information technology will give you a ability rating for your room. All air-con units are rated in BTUs so it'south so piece of cake to run into which unit best suits your needs.

If you don't do this, then you could stop up with an underpowered arrangement that volition be overworked, could become noisy, might fail early or need more frequent maintenance.

Running Costs

To put information technology bluntly, air conditioning isn't cheap to run just you tin can take some steps to reduce the costs:

  • Purchase the best unit for the area that needs cooling, too underpowered and it volition struggle while overpowered units will apply more electricity.
  • Air con is a great option if y'all have solar panels, running costs will be minimal during the mean solar day and even during summer evenings.
  • For large areas and multiple rooms, install a zoned system.
  • If y'all leave doors and windows open, the air con will be running at 100% ability, all of the fourth dimension. Consider buying door closure devices to shut the door automatically.

If you desire a rough guide to how much ac costs to run, endeavor this computer.

Volition a Fully Fitted Air Con Unit Increment the Value of My Domicile?

With global warming and more extreme, hotter summers, ac units are more in demand at present than at any other point in history.

A professionally installed system could entreatment to many buyers and you may get some or all of your investment back should you sell your dwelling house.

The Best Cooling Fans Yous Tin can Purchase

We previously looked at the best free-standing portable air-con units and fans you lot can purchase. While not nearly as effective as a professionally installed air con unit, they are a lot cheaper.

Check out our guide to the best cooling fans here.

Get a Custom Price For a Dwelling house Air Con System

Looking for a stock-still cost for air conditioning the habitation?

Tap the link below to run into how you get a quote online in minutes:

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This guide was written past and was last updated in May 2022.

Don't forget; we have price guides for hundreds of abode comeback projects.

Explore our total list of detailed price guides here.

Author - Danny Woodley


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