GLSL Shaders Mod (ane.18.ii, ane.12.2) adds shaders to Minecraft and add together multiple depict buffers, shadow map, normal map, specular map. These things can be used to change advent of Minecraft world. How it looks depends on selected shaderpack and some user settings.

GLSL Shaders Mod

There are very few mods that stand out from the other, however fifty-fifty the mods that do tin be topped by fifty-fifty more than extraordinary ones. Very few mods will continually be loathed forever by the unabridged user/player community of minecraft, and when this happens; the mod itself will continue to abound histrion, and feature wise. The GLSL Shaders mod for Minecraft it non simply mayhap ane of the nearly unique, and extraordinary mods of all fourth dimension; just it is too perhaps a very long awaited, fully developed, and well created modernistic in which implements spectacular shading and ecology animations to your game of Minecraft. The mod itself, developed by a very unique creator; has been adult to implement an original and cute looking shader into the game. The shader itself introduces a different type of lighting the game, initially enhancing the default brightness, earlier concealment the Shadows to create a wonderful effect.

The GLSL shaders mod is very GPU intensive, and requires a very decent computer to run information technology well. It is advised that the user be smart when choosing to install, and use this mod. A big amount of FPS (Frame-Charge per unit per second) volition be used in the entire process of using the mod.


  • Support connected resource (texture) packs.
  • Back up multiple composite programs (compostire1, composite2, composite3).
  • Shader packs such Sonic Ether'due south Unbelievable Shaders, CUDA Shaders, Waving Plants Shaders, RudoPlays Shaders, Chocapic13 Shaders, Crash-land Shadow waving are supported.
  • Minecraft Forge and OptiFine compatibility.
  • Piece of cake installation without any hassle.
  • New variables sent from coffee code to shaders.
  • Shaders tin can select draw buffers to write to.
  • More than depth buffers and shadow depth buffers.




  • This mod requires recent and fast graphic bill of fare with NVIDIA or AMD GPU.
  • Intel Hd Graphics drivers *.3412 to *.3621 exercise not work and will crash.
  • Intel HD Graphics commuter tin run without crash only information technology is all the same slow.
  • Graphics effects practise not come out of nowhere. They require calculating power of both CPU and GPU.
  • Some shaderpacks return effectually ten times slower than vanilla Minecraft.
  • You tin can expect low frame rate if your estimator cannot get more than 200 FPS from vanilla Minecraft.


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

  1. Make certain you lot have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the get-go bill of fare, blazon %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold downwards ALT and click Go then Library in the meridian menu bar. Open up the folder Awarding Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Identify the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should at present run across the modernistic is installed.

GLSL Shaders Modern (1.18.2, 1.12.2) Download Links:

Other Versions:

Shader Packs:

For Minecraft 1.vii.x (Uniform with AMD Catalyst 14.nine, Optifine ultra edition merely)

Download from Server i – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.12.ii, i.12.1, 1.12

GLSL Shaders Mod: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

ASM Modernistic (Required): Download from Server one – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.13.2 to Minecraft 1.18.2

Sp614x has merged Shaders Mod's feature into OptiFine Hard disk drive.

Shaders Packs

https://world wide web.9minecraft.cyberspace/tag/shaders-packs/