
How To Install Python 3 Raspberry Pi

This guide will show you how to get started with the Python programming language on the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Python

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is likewise relatively like shooting fish in a barrel for beginners to get started with. Its syntax is simple, and you don't have to worry about many complicated concepts.

Within this guide, we volition be showing you how to install the Python interpreter to your Raspberry Pi. Installing Python is a straightforward process, then we volition get you up and running in no time.

Additionally, we will also show you how to write a elementary Python script for yous to become started with.

We personally utilise Python a decent amount, including our Cyberspace Speed Monitor and Minecraft Pi Edition projects.


Below is a list of equipment we used when we were installing and using Python on our Raspberry Pi.



  • Raspberry Pi Instance
  • USB Keyboard
  • USB Mouse

Installing Python on the Raspberry Pi

Our kickoff section will show you how easy it is to install Python to your Raspberry Pi. As Python is available from the default package repository, this can be completed in a couple of steps.

If y'all are using the desktop versions of Raspberry Pi OS, Python will come up pre-installed on your arrangement, and then skip to the next section.

If you use your Raspberry Pi as a headless device, you can complete the following steps over SSH. Y'all exercise not need physical access to your device to be able to use Python.

one. Before we install Python, we should ensure that both our parcel listing and existing packages are up to appointment.

Y'all can update both of these past running the post-obit ii commands on your device.


2. Our adjacent step is to install the Python package to our Raspberry Pi. For this guide, nosotros will be focusing on Python 3 as information technology is the currently supported version.

Run the post-obit control to install Python to your organisation.


One time this step completes, you will now take Python installed on your Raspberry Pi. This will give yous the bare basics of Python, only information technology is all you lot volition need for now.

Later on, you lot volition end up using a package director such every bit pip to increase the functionality of Python.

Writing your first Python Script

At present that you have Python installed on your Raspberry Pi, nosotros tin now write a straightforward Python script to show it in action.

We won't be delving a huge corporeality into the Python programming linguistic communication here. Still, yous can endeavour following some of our Python tutorials.

This section will be split into two. Ane for those wanting to utilise the terminal and one for those who are running the desktop interface.

Using the Thorny Desktop IDE

The desktop versions of Raspberry Pi OS come pre-installed with a Python IDE called Thonny. An IDE makes writing code a cleaner, faster and ameliorate feel.

The following steps will show y'all how to open Thonny on your Raspberry Pi and how to write a tiny bit of Python.

1. Before we start, we volition need to open the Thonny IDE.

Kickoff, open up the start carte du jour past clicking the Raspberry icon in the acme-left corner (1.).

Next, you volition need to hover over the "Programming" category (2.).

Finally, click the "Thonny Python IDE" option to open the editor on your Pi (3.).

Loading the Thonny Python IDE on the Raspberry Pi

ii. As this is probable the first fourth dimension yous are using Thonny, let u.s. quickly run through its interface.

First, at the top is the toolbar. This includes all the buttons you demand to quickly interact with the editor. The essential buttons that yous will use here are the "Salvage" and "Run" buttons (1.)

Next is the big box in the heart. This is where you can write all of your Python code. (2.)

Finally, at the bottom is the Python shell. You tin utilize this to directly collaborate with Python. It is also where you will find the output of your code (three.).

Overview of the Thonny Python IDE

3. To show how this all works, nosotros are going to write a straightforward script. All this script will do is output the text "Hello World" to the shell.

In the code editor in the middle of the screen (1.), enter the following line. This is a very unproblematic line of lawmaking that uses the "print()" function to output some text.


Once you lot have written this uncomplicated one-liner, we can execute the code by clicking the "Run" button (two.).

Entering Python into IDE and Running Code

4. Earlier the Thonny IDE will let you run your Python code, it volition crave you to save the file.

To save the file, you must first enter a name for it by using the box at the top of the dialog (1.).

Once you accept a filename selected, click the "OK" button to save information technology (2.).

Save the Python file to Raspberry Pi

5. As we clicked the "Run" button previously, your code will now be executed by the code editor.

You should see the text "How-do-you-do Earth" appear in the textbox at the bottom of the screen labeled "Shell".

Python Code output to the Thonny editor

Using the Final

If y'all utilize the terminal on your Raspberry Pi, writing your Python lawmaking is a reasonably straightforward process.

It's not every bit piece of cake as using a code editor like Thonny or Visual Studio Code. These editors provide you some feedback on your code immediately.

1. Begin by using your favorite terminal based text editor to start writing a file.

For our instance, we will be calling this file "". While the file extension is not necessary, it will help you identify that this is indeed a Python script.

Our choice of text editor is nano. Information technology is a relatively easy-to-use last-based text editor. However, it is relatively feature lite.


Using "~/" at the commencement of our filename, we ensure that this will be written to the electric current users' home directory.

Suppose you are post-obit this with a default Raspberry Pi setup. In that example, this means your Python script will exist created in the "/domicile/pi/" directory.

two. With the file at present open up in your text editor, we volition write an incredibly simple 1-line of Python.


This line is incredibly uncomplicated and will simply print the text "How-do-you-do World" to the last. We practise this by just passing the string "Hello World" into the "print()" function.

3. Once you lot have finished entering the code, you can save and quit out of the file.

If y'all are using nano, you lot can practise this by pressing CTRL + X, and then Y, followed past the ENTER key.

4. With your Python file at present created on your Raspberry Pi, nosotros can now run information technology.

To run our script, we need to phone call "python3" followed by the path to the file. For our example, this control should be the following


By running this control, you should stop up seeing the text "Hullo World" appear in the command line. This indicates that the Python interpreter successfully ran your first scrap of code.


five. If you lot would like to play around with Python without writing a script, you tin launch the Python beat.

Launching the Python shell is as straightforward as running the following command.


Within this shell interface, you lot tin try out various Python functions. You can even store values in variables that will persist till the shell is exited out of.

When you are washed with the shell interface, you tin can either type in "quit()" or press CTRL + D.


Hopefully, you should now have a good idea of how yous can get started with Python on your Raspberry Pi.

This guide touched on how you lot tin install the Python interpreter to your devices, a chore that can be completed with a couple of simple commands.

We too showed you ii ways that you can write Python code on your Raspberry Pi. I is using an IDE like the 1 pre-installed on the desktop installation called Thonny. The other way is to use a terminal-based text editor similar nano.

If you are just getting started with Python programming, you tin not get past using a code editor like Thonny or Visual Studio Code. They will make your life easier and help you lawmaking more than efficiently.

If you have had any issues with this guide, delight leave a comment below.

Be sure to too check out some of our Python tutorials to better understand how to employ the programming language. Additionally, we have another neat Raspberry Pi projects that will help you make the almost of your device.


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